GreenArrow Email Software Documentation

Types of Events

There are multiple kinds of events in the GreenArrow system that you can access or be notified of. This document gives an overview of each kind of event and how they relate.

Bounce Events

A bounce event is when a bounce message is received and processed by the GreenArrow Engine bounce processor.

This relates to delivery attempt events as follows:

  • If you see a delivery attempt event with a status of failure or failure_toolong (as long as the Return-Path of the message is set correctly), you will then also see a bounce event for that message.
  • If you see a delivery attempt event with a status of accepted, this message may still bounce. This bounce can happen when a remote SMTP server accepts the message, then later fails at delivering it, and returns a bounce message to GreenArrow. This is called an asynchronous bounce.

A bounce event has different information on the failure than the delivery event, such as the code of the bounce processor.

There are two kinds of bounce events:

bounce_all (Previously Called hook_stat) Event

This event is triggered for every bounce message processed by the bounce processor. This includes bounces where the address has not yet met the qualifying criteria for deactivation. bounce_all events do not require any action and should not be a reason to remove addresses from your database or stop sending to addresses. Use the bounce_bad_address event for subscriber deactivation instead.

This event type exists for applications that want to keep statistical information on how many bounces are received for each campaign or information on what recipients didn’t receive the email and why.

If you do not plan to use this event type, it can be turned off to reduce the overhead of processing these events.

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event (bounce_all). bounce_all
event_time The time that the bounce happened, in seconds past the Unix epoch. 1317305252
server_id Server ID as configured by server_id. example
event_unique_id A unique identifier for this event. 64 character string
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
listid The lowercased identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. t99
sendid The lowercased internal identifier for the send. t9920110705
bounce_type The type of bounce. h for hard, s for soft, and o for other. h
bounce_code The code of the type of bounce. 10
bounce_text The text of the failure message. (Up to the number of characters configured.) failed after I sent the message. Remote host said: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ([email protected]) -
click_tracking_id The click tracking ID is specified using the X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID header and can be used to trace an event back to a specific message. 1927393
synchronous Indicates whether this was a synchronous bounce (true) or asynchronous bounce (false). true
mailclass If SimpleMH was used for the email, the name of the Mail Class.1 default
instanceid If SimpleMH was used for the email, the value of the InstanceID (if specified or auto-generated).1 12345

bounce_bad_address (Previously Called hook_bounce) Event

This event is triggered when the bounce processing system detects that an email address has met the configured removal threshold for either hard or soft bounces. (This often requires more than one soft bounce, as we don’t want to remove addresses after a single soft bounce.)

This event occurs so you can remove the address from your database or stop sending to this address. (Continuing to send to a bad address may have a negative impact on your deliverability.)

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event (bounce_bad_address). bounce_bad_address
event_time The time that the bounce happened, in seconds past the Unix epoch. 1317305252
server_id Server ID as configured by server_id. example
event_unique_id A unique identifier for this event. 64 character string
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
listid The lowercased identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. t99
sendid For the most recent bounce in the run: The lowercased internal identifier for the send. t9920110705
bounce_type For the most recent bounce: h for a hard bounce and s is for a soft bounce. h
bounce_code For the most recent bounce in the run: The code of the bounce rule that this bounce matched. 10
bounce_text For the most recent bounce in the run: The text of the failure message. (Up to the number of characters configured.) failed after I sent the message. Remote host said: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ([email protected]) -
click_tracking_id The click tracking ID is specified using the X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID header and can be used to trace an event back to a specific message. 1927393
mailclass If SimpleMH was used for the email, the name of the Mail Class.1 default
instanceid If SimpleMH was used for the email, the value of the InstanceID (if specified or auto-generated).1 12345


This event is generated as a result of bounce messages processed by the Lite Bounce Processor (configured via the lite_bounce_processor_address directive).



The internal database identifier for this event.



A universally unique identifier for this event. If you want to track an identifier for events to prevent duplicate event handling, this is the value you should use.



The type of event (in this case, bounce_lite).



The time the event was generated as a UNIX timestamp.



The value of the server_id configuration directive.



The code of the bounce rule that this bounce matched.



The text within the bounce message that caused bounce_code to be determined. This text will begin at the first newline before the matched text and end at the newline after the matched text. This text may be quoted-printable encoded, if the original message was quoted-printable encoded.



Whether or not this bounce represents a synchronous bounce (i.e. was it generated during the delivery attempt’s SMTP conversation).



The email address that received this bounce. This is not the original message recipient email address, instead this is the email address to which this bounce was delivered.



If lite_bounce_processor_include_report_text is not disabled, this will be the full text of the bounce message as it was received by GreenArrow.

Bounce Text Format

The bounce_text field in bounce_all and bounce_bad_address events is calculated as follows:

  1. For synchronous bounces (bounces that occurred as a result of the SMTP delivery conversation), the bounce_text format is the same as the Queue Logfile Format except without the conversion and replacement of ASCII bytes outside of the 33-126 range.
  2. For asynchronous bounces (bounces that were emailed back into GreenArrow), this is the raw body of the bounce email which GreenArrow received, without multipart decoding or quoted-printable decoding.


  • Bytes/octents that are not part of valid UTF-8 characters get turned into U+FFFD.
  • The length is truncated to 1024 bytes.

Spam Complaint Events

When someone clicks on a “this is spam” link at an ISP that supports feedback loops, and a feedback loop notification is sent to GreenArrow, a spam complaint event is created.

This event occurs so that you can remove the address that generated the complaint from your database or stop sending to it. You can also use this event to maintain statistical information on the number of spam complaints created by each campaign. Continuing to send to an address that has complained about spam can have a negative effect on your deliverability.

scomp (Previously Called hook_scomp) Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event (scomp). scomp
event_time The time that the complaint was received, in seconds past the Unix epoch. 1317305252
server_id Server ID as configured by server_id. example
event_unique_id A unique identifier for this event. 64 character string
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. t99
sendid The internal identifier for the send. t9920110705
click_tracking_id The click tracking ID is specified using the X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID header and can be used to trace an event back to a specific message. 1927393
mailclass If SimpleMH was used for the email, the name of the Mail Class.1 default
instanceid If SimpleMH was used for the email, the value of the InstanceID (if specified or auto-generated).1 12345


This event is generated as a result of FBL complaint messages processed by the Lite Bounce Processor (configured via the lite_fbl_processor_address directive).



The internal database identifier for this event.



A universally unique identifier for this event. If you want to track an identifier for events to prevent duplicate event handling, this is the value you should use.



The type of event (in this case, scomp_lite).



The time the event was generated as a UNIX timestamp.



The value of the server_id configuration directive.


string, optional

The recipient address of the email that generated the complaint, as included in the ARF complaint report. This is information submitted as part of the FBL complaint and may not always be accurate. Also, due to forwarding or wildcarding, this may not be the email address to which you actually sent. Some FBLs will anonymize the recipient email address. For these reasons, we recommend that you instead rely on a custom header to encode recipient information.

This field is typically parsed from the (optional) Original-Rcpt-To header in ARF complaint reports and may not always be present. The first Original-Rcpt-To header is used if multiple copies are found. If Original-Rcpt-To is not present in the report and the X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient header is included in the original message section of the report, then the email address from the X-HmXmrOriginalRecipient header will be used.


string, optional

The name and version of the software program that generated the report. This is information submitted as part of the FBL complaint and may not always be accurate.



The headers parsed from the complaint message as configured by the directive lite_fbl_processor_headers. Each key of the hash is the configured header name, each value is an array of strings representing each instance of that header in the original message (as received back to GreenArrow in the complaint report).



The email address that received this complaint. This is not the original message recipient email address, instead this is the email address to which this spam complaint was delivered.



If lite_fbl_processor_include_report_text is not disabled, this will be the full text of the FBL report message as it was received by GreenArrow.


string, optional

The MAIL FROM / Return-Path address (RFC5321.MailFrom) used to send the email that generated the complaint, as included in the ARF complaint report. This is information submitted as part of the FBL complaint and may not always be accurate. We recommend that you instead rely on a custom header to encode sender information.

This field is parsed from the (optional) Original-Mail-From header in ARF complaint reports and may not always be present. The first Original-Mail-From header is used if multiple copies are found.

Click and Open Tracking Events (for GreenArrow Engine’s SimpleMH System)

If you are using SimpleMH’s click and open tracking, then a click or open event will be created whenever someone loads images in an email message or clicks on a link in it.

If you are using GreenArrow Studio for sending, then you will receive studio_click and studio_open events, instead of engine_click and engine_open events. See GreenArrow Studio’s Types of Events documentation.

engine_click Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event (engine_click). engine_click
event_time The time that the click happened, in seconds past the Unix epoch. 1317305252
server_id Server ID as configured by server_id. example
event_unique_id A unique identifier for this event. 64 character string
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. t99
sendid The internal identifier for the send. t9920110705
click_url The URL of the link that was clicked on.
click_tracking_id The click tracking ID is specified using the X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID header and can be used to trace an event back to a specific message. 1927393
engine_ip The IP address that generated the click
user_agent The user agent that generated the click. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.89 Safari/537.36
linkid The value of the user-defined link id.
This field is null for links that don’t have user-defined link ids.
mailclass If SimpleMH was used for the email, the name of the Mail Class.1 default
instanceid If SimpleMH was used for the email, the value of the InstanceID (if specified or auto-generated).1 12345

engine_open Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event (engine_open). engine_open
event_time The time that the open happened, in seconds past the Unix epoch. 1317305252
server_id Server ID as configured by server_id. example
event_unique_id A unique identifier for this event. 64 character string
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. t99
sendid The internal identifier for the send. t9920110705
click_tracking_id The click tracking ID is specified using the X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID header and can be used to trace an event back to a specific message. 1927393
engine_ip The IP address that generated the open
user_agent The user agent that generated the open. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.1.0 Lightning/4.0.1
is_privacy_open GreenArrow has determined that this open represents a Mail Privacy Protection open. true
mailclass If SimpleMH was used for the email, the name of the Mail Class.1 default
instanceid If SimpleMH was used for the email, the value of the InstanceID (if specified or auto-generated).1 12345

Unsubscribe Events (for GreenArrow Engine’s SimpleMH System)

If you use SimpleMH, GreenArrow Engine can process unsubscribe links via two mechanisms:

  1. When you insert a SimpleMH unsubscribe link, SimpleMH processes it.
  2. When you do not include a List-Unsubscribe header, SimpleMH automatically inserts one for you and processes it.

When someone unsubscribes using either of the above mechanisms, an engine_unsub event will be created.

If you are using GreenArrow Studio for sending, then you will receive studio_unsub events, instead of engine_unsub events. See GreenArrow Studio’s Types of Events documentation.

engine_unsub (Previously Called hook_unsub) Event

Field Description Example Value
event_type The type of event (engine_unsub). engine_unsub
event_time The time that the unsub happened, in seconds past the Unix epoch. 1317305252
server_id Server ID as configured by server_id. example
event_unique_id A unique identifier for this event. 64 character string
email The email address that this message was to. [email protected]
listid The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of. t99
sendid The internal identifier for the send. t9920110705
click_url The URL of the destination unsubscribe link. For unsubscribes that occur as a result of the List-Unsubscribe header, this value will be blank.
click_tracking_id The click tracking ID is specified using the X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID header and can be used to trace an event back to a specific message. 1927393
mailclass If SimpleMH was used for the email, the name of the Mail Class.1 default
instanceid If SimpleMH was used for the email, the value of the InstanceID (if specified or auto-generated).1 12345

Continuing to send to an address that has unsubscribed can negatively impact your deliverability.

Delivery Events

A delivery event represents the attempted delivery of a message through SMTP or to a local mailbox. In the case of an SMTP delivery, this shows whether the remote SMTP server accepted or rejected the message or if the delivery attempt was throttled.

When a message delivery fails bounce_all and bounce_bad_address event(s) can also be created.

Delivery events can be logged using the delivery_attempt event type described below. Alternatively, delivery events can be viewed with the hvmail_report command or logged to a file.

delivery_attempt Event



The type of event (delivery_attempt).



The time that the delivery attempt happened, in seconds past the Unix epoch.



Server ID as configured by server_id.



A unique identifier for this event.



The email address that this message was to.



The identifier for the mailing list that this message is a part of.



The internal identifier for the send.



The click tracking ID is specified using the X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID header and can be used to trace an event back to a specific message.



The time that the delivery attempt happened, in seconds past the Unix epoch.



local if the delivery attempt is to a local mailbox or remote if the delivery attempt is to a remote mail server.



Result of this delivery attempt. Can be success, failure, failure_toolong, deferral or connmaxout.


integer or boolean

0 if this is the first delivery attempt and 1 otherwise.



Internal unique ID of the message. IDs are not repeated unless the system clock goes backward. This is not the same as the Message-ID.



The Return-Path of the message. This is also called the envelope sender, MFROM address, bounce address, or RFC5321.MailFrom.



The identifier for the VirtualMTA / Mail Route of this message. This is set at the time of message injection.

This field determines what IP address the message is delivered from.

mtaid may be altered at the time of injection by set_virtualmta on header_pattern. If the VirtualMTA is later changed on retry due to the evaluate_on_retry option, this field will still contain the VirtualMTA as determined at the time of injection.



Primary key of the VirtualMTA that the message is assigned to.



The name of the VirtualMTA that the message is assigned to.



The time that the message was injected into GreenArrow’s queue, in seconds past the Unix epoch.



The success, failure, or deferral message for this delivery attempt. This message will be in the Queue Logfile Format with non-UTF8 characters removed.



Primary key of the VirtualMTA that the delivery attempt took place with. This can be, but isn’t always the same as the mtaid. For example, if mtaid is a Routing Rule, then outmtaid will be the VirtualMTA within that Routing Rule that was actually used for the delivery attempt.



The outgoing IP address used for this delivery attempt (see note below).



The hostname used for this delivery attempt’s SMTP conversation (see note below).



The name of the IP address used for this delivery attempt (see note below).



Internal use Studio feature that’s not yet documented.



Blank if the delivery attempt took place using an SMTP Relay Server or the default Throttling Rule. Otherwise, it contains the ID of the Throttling Rule that was used when making the delivery attempt.



The hostname to which this delivery attempt occurred (whether or not it came from an actual MX record).



The IP address to which this delivery attempt occurred (whether or not it came from an actual MX record).



The first email address in the From header as it was originally injected into GreenArrow.



A JSON object containing the values of the headers as configured in the log_header configuration directive.

Folded headers will simply contain the folding newlines/whitespace. As a header may be included in an email multiple times, the value of the JSON object is an array of strings.



The size of the message (in bytes), if loaded from storage.



CSV list of SMTP timings of the delivery attempt. See the log_smtp_timings configuration directive for more information.



This is the bounce code for this delivery attempt. Blank when status is success or connmaxout.



The SMTP or HTTP client IP address that injected the message into GreenArrow.



If a SimpleMH mail class was used for this message, this is that mail class.[^1]



If a SimpleMH InstanceID was specified for this message, this is that InstanceID.[^1]

A more detailed description of the timestamp through throttleid fields in the above list can be found in the Delivery Event Processed Logfile Format documentation. Note that that document’s clicktrackingid and this document’s click_tracking_id are equivalent.

Regarding mtaid_id, mtaid_name, outmtaid_ip, outmtaid_hostname, and outmtaid_name: These values may be blank if the IP address or relay server used for the attempt was deleted before the event was written to GreenArrow’s internal database. The delivery_attempt event is typically written to that database within 10 seconds of the delivery attempt.

  1. Prior to GreenArrow v4.333.0, in order to obtain the Mail Class and InstanceID for an event, you’d need to parse the SendID. This is no longer necessary.  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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