GreenArrow Email Software Documentation

Raw Injection Headers

This document describes the headers used for Raw Injections. The X-GreenArrow-* headers will be stripped from the message by GreenArrow Engine. Remaining headers will be left intact.

VirtualMTA, List and Send Headers


Specifies which VirtualMTA is used to send a message. Valid values are:

  • A name listed under one of the Name columns in GreenArrow Engine’s VirtualMTAs page. For example:

    X-GreenArrow-MtaID: smtp1-1

  • The numeric ID that forms the last part of the URL that a VirtualMTA’s View button links to. For example:

    X-GreenArrow-MtaID: 2


If no VirtualMTA is specified, or if the VirtualMTA that is specified doesn’t exist, then the message will be sent through the default VirtualMTA of the server.


Specifies which SendID to associate a message with.

  • Example:

    X-GreenArrow-SendID: 20111229


Specifies which ListID to associate a message with.

  • Example:

    X-GreenArrow-ListID: t100

The ListID can be up to 20 characters long, but we recommend keeping it as short as possible in order to reduce overhead.

The ListID may contain the follow characters:

  • ASCII alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z and 0-9)
  • Underscores (_)
  • Plus signs (+)

Bounce and Spam Complaint Processing

Return-Path / Bounce Address

You must properly set the Return-Path on outgoing messages for the Bounce Processor to work. The Return-Path encodes the recipient address, ListID, and the SendID of the message.

The Return-Path should be in the following form when injecting through SMTP:


The Return-Path should be in the following form when injecting through /var/hvmail/bin/sendmail or /var/hvmail/bin/qmail-inject:



Parameter Definition
RecipientAddressInVERPFormat The recipient address with the at sign (@) changed to an equal (=).
LocalPartOfBounceMailbox The portion of the bounce mailbox email address before the at sign (@).
DomainOfBounceMailbox The portion of the bounce mailbox email address after the at sign (@).
ListID The ListID for this message.
SendID The SendID for this message.

For example, with the data:

Parameter Value
SendID 2376
ListID 4
Bounce mailbox [email protected]
Sending to [email protected]

The Return-Path when injecting through SMTP would be:

[email protected]

The Return-Path when injecting through /var/hvmail/bin/sendmail or /var/hvmail/bin/qmail-inject would be:

[email protected]@[]

Example Implementation:


You must properly set the X-Mailer-Info header on outgoing messages for the Spam Complaint Processor to work. The X-Mailer-Info header encodes the recipient address, ListID, and the SendID of the message.

Example Implementations:

use MIME::Base64;

sub create_feedback_header
    my $listid = shift;
    my $sendid = shift;
    my $recipient = shift;

    my $data_to_encode = lc($listid . "," . $recipient . "," . $sendid);
    # plan: reverse, rot13, base64, change alphabet, rot13
    my $encoded = reverse($data_to_encode);
    $encoded =~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/;
    $encoded = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($encoded, "");
    $encoded =~ tr/+\//-_/;
    $encoded =~ s/[\n=]//g;
    $encoded =~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/;

    return "X-Mailer-Info: $encoded";

GreenArrow Monitor Headers


GreenArrow Monitor uses the Subject and From address to determine what email messages will be grouped together as one “campaign” in the system. If you plan to re-use the same Subject and From address for multiple campaigns, or use different Subject lines or From addresses in the same campaign, then you should manually specify a unique identifier for each campaign. The X-CampaignID header is documented in GreenArrow Monitor’s Identifying Campaigns page.

DKIM Headers


Causes the message to be signed with a domain other than the one used in the From or Sender header.

  • Example:



Specifies the selector for use in signing, instead of the standard of default. In example below, greenarrow is used.

  • Example:

    X-GreenArrow-Signing-Selector: greenarrow


Header folding is not supported for Raw Injection’s X-GreenArrow-* headers.

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